November 2016 Stated Communication

Greetings Brethren!

I want to thank everyone that attended the Grand Lodge Visitation at the October Stated. I also want to give thanks and recognition to those Brothers who stepped up into chairs they have not sat in before. A special shout out goes to W.B. Stevenson, P.M., who had only moments to prepare himself for his role, he did a fantastic job, and we were able to open lodge without issue, and almost on time. The Grand Master and Grand Lodge Officers heard a healthy report from our end, and their acknowledge- ments of our improving strength as a Lodge were numerous and thoughtful.

This Grand Visitation was particularly memorable in that in coincided with the passing of a long time brother and Masonic scholar and contributor, M.W.B, Bill Chaney, Past Grand Master, and he was one of P.M. John Regner’s Masonic mentors. WB Regner was honored that night as our Fidelity Medal holder. A beautiful prayer was delivered to honor our recently lost M.W.B. Chaney during that cere- mony. It was truly a beautiful experience considering the situation.

In addition, we were also blessed with the Grand Lodge awarding the first ever in DC’s jurisdiction, a 70-year pin to our Brother Jack Barnes. At age 92, he has been a Mason since he was 22 years old. It was truly astounding to be a part of that ceremony, and it was an honor meeting a Brother of our Lodge that has been around Masonry for as long as he has.

I hope that as the months go on each of our Stated Communications can be as memorable at this one was. Brethren, I really want to make this upcoming year as enjoyable and educational as possible. I would like all the Brethren to think about and communicate to me some of the things they would like to learn about Masonry during this upcoming year or other activities they think would be great addi- tions to our schedule. The more effort we put into having productive and memorable communications the more value we can extract. So please do not hesitate to inform the Lodge of suggestions and ideas. 

James S. Parkhurst - Senior Warden 

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